Simplified Docker and Database Setup on CentOS: Comprehensive Tutorials for Installing MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB

Caution: This post will be extensive and may pose challenges for beginners to complete.

In this post, I will cover the following topics:

  • VMWare Installation

  • VMWare Installation Configuration

  • Docker Installation on CentOS

  • Windows Firewall Configuration

  • MySQL Installation on Docker

  • MongoDB Installation on Docker

  • Oracle Installation on Docker

VMWare Installation

VMware is NOT FREE and is typically used in production environments. If you're looking to practice, I recommend downloading VirtualBox, which is completely FREE. Although they have similar functionalities, I've found that the free version of VMware is not as well maintained.

Download the VMware Workstation Player installer suitable for your operating system (Windows or Linux).

VMWare Workstation Pro:

VMWare Installation Configuration

  • File > New Virtual Machine

    Then you will see this

  • custom

  • I will install the operating system later

  • Linux

  • NAT (if you don't know what this means, read below)

  • Disk Size: 200GB. It's okay to set your disk size to be larger than what you currently need because your disk space will only increase gradually as needed. If unsure, 200GB is a suitable default size. Docker is about 12GB. I didn't want to know that sizing up the disk later could be so much more be generous!

  • manual DHCP

  • Press the button to launch.

  • ssh configuration

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PermitRootLogin yes
  • Check network settings
ipconfig /all
# check 아이피(inet), 넷마스크(netmask), 게이트웨이(broadcast)
  • if you are using NAT, then check Wireless LAN Adapter Wi-Fi.

    NAT allows your virtual machine to share the IP address of the host system(Your PC) and access the internet through it. When using NAT, your virtual machine appears as just another device on your network, utilizing the host system's network connection.

  • if you are using bridge adapter, then check Ethernet Adapter.

    Bridge mode in VMware connects your virtual machine directly to your physical network, as if it were another device connected to your router, enabling seamless integration with other devices on the network.

  • Change Network Settings

    Now you will change the network-scripts file based on your ipconfig settings.

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33

UUID="random UUID"
  • copy the file to the home directory and restart network
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
cp ifcfg-ens33 ~/
ls ~/
shutdown now
systemctl restart network
  • if you can run yum, then the connection is successful

  • if it doesn't work, then check the settings again

yum update
  • Adding ports to the VMWare

  • Edit > Virtual Network Editor > NAT 선택 > NAT Settings… > 22 / TCP / IP:22 / SSH > Change Settings

  • Add the ports depeding on the DB you are using:

22 SSH
27017 MongoDB
5432 PostgreSQL
3306 MySQL
1521 Oracle

Docker Installation on CentOS

# Install Docker Repository 도커 레포 설치
sudo yum install -y yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo <>

# Install Docker Engine 도커 엔진 설치
sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
  • pulling docker images

    For Oracle, you can search the docker images. I choose the one with the most downloads. You don't need to choose the same one. You will need to check the official documentation page to configure for any oracle images.

MySQL: docker pull mysql
MariaDB: docker pull mariadb
PostgreSQL: docker pull postgres
MongoDB: docker pull mongo

oracle: docker search oracle-xe
docker pull gvenzl/oracle-xe

Windows Firewall Configuration

  • This section is intended for Windows users only. Windows typically sets up a firewall automatically, so we need to allow ports through the firewall.

고급 설정 > 인바운드 규칙 > 새 규칙
포트 > 특정 로컬 포트(S): 3306 > 이름: mysql   

Advanced Settings > Inbound Rules > New Rule
Port > Specific Local Port(s): 3306 > Name: mysql

MySQL Installation on Docker

# /tmp/my.cnf 파일 생성
bind-address =

# 최초 생성
docker run -p 3306:3306 --name mysql-container -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='리모트 서버 비번이 아닌 도커 내 MYSQL 비번 지정해주기' -v /tmp/my.cnf:/etc/my.cnf  mysql

# 3306 포트 연결 확인
netstat -ntlp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      8630/docker-proxy

( netstat -ntlp : display active network connections, listening sockets, and associated process identifiers (PIDs) )

# 평소
systemctl start docker
docker start mysql-container

# 실행
docker exec -it mysql-container mysql -uroot -p

# bash
docker exec -it mysql-container bash
  • Quick Tip: if you want to see all the commands that you typed, then here it is
vi .bash_history

MongoDB Installation on Docker

# 생성
docker run --name mongo-container -d -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234 mongo

# 평소
systemctl start docker
docker start mongo-container

# 실행
docker exec -it mongo-container mongosh

# /etc/mongod.conf 파일
sudo docker exec -it mongo-container bash

# 저절로 test 유저로 감
# admin 유저로 변경
use admin 
  user: "root",
  pwd: "password",
  roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]

sudo systemctl restart mongod
  • If you want to connect to a remote server
mongosh "mongodb://username:password@hostname:port/myDatabase"
  • Show databases
show databases

Oracle Installation on Docker

docker search oracle-xe 
docker pull gvenzl/oracle-xe

docker run -d -it --name oracle-container -p 1521:15root-e ORACLE_PASSWORD=your_password gvenzl/oracle-xe

docker exec -it oracle-container sqlplus
  • DB installation complete! It's a milestone. Those who have tried installing Oracle manually will understand the significance.

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